Field with Poppies, 1889 by Vincent van Gogh

This painting was done in early June 1889, not long after Van Gogh had arrived at the asylum, and as such it can be assumed that it was made either from the window of the asylum or from very near to it. Although this was one of the most distressing gears of Van Gogh's life, it was also a time during which he produced some of his most exciting works, and this innovativeness continued until his death. Here he has played with an unusual perspective, which was a technique that he often employed.
The view shoots away down a steep hill to fields in the distance and has no horizon, which was an element that he used increasingly in his last paintings. He produced a number of drawings around the same time as this painting, and the style of this painting is similar to that of the drawings, although Theo was not enthusiastic about them. His brushwork here is very controlled, with short, sharp lines to delineate the foliage, and something of the Pointillist in his treatment of the dotted flowers.