Houses with Thatched Roofs - by Vincent van Gogh

This drawing, House with Thatched Roofs, is the last landscape drawing Van Goah made at Nuenen. He was creating a series of landscape from 1884 to 1885 when he stayed there. He was aware his group of paintings has exceptional skills and techniques. He sent many of them to his brother Theo in hope of making commercial success but failed. He also tried to market them with the help of his friend Van Rappord but didn't get success there either.
This drawing depicts a powerful view of a group of cottage at Neunen in Brabant. In a letter to his friend, the painter Van Rappard, as an example of his recent work, he said, "I had to do it roughly and quickly for the time was rather short for catching the right effect of light and shade, and the tone of the scene, and Nature as it was at that very moment."