Letter 09/04/1885 - by Vincent van Gogh

As regards work, as I already wrote to you, I have recently been very busy painting still lifes that have turned out
excellently. I will send you some.
I know that they are difficult to sell, but it is devilish useful, and I will go on doing a lot of it in the winter.
You will receive a large still life of potatoes, in which I have tried to incorporate the substance; I intend to express the subject matter in such a way that it turns into
heavy, solid lumps, which you would feel if your were pelted with them, for instance.
I am now working on still lifes of my bird's nests, of which I have four ready; I believe that because of the colors of the moss, withered leaves and grasses, clay, etc.,
they could well suit some people who are familiar with nature.