Letter 11/12/1888 - by Vincent van Gogh

My dear sister,
One thing that has given me great pleasure is that I've finally received a reply from Mrs Mauve.
As I want to write to her one of these days I'd ask you to send me her current address immediately and without error. Her letter was dated from The Hague, but she doesn't say if she'll stay there;
personally I thought she was still living in Laren.
She says she's also had a nice letter from you.
I received your letter dated from Middelharnis, and I thank you very much for it. It's good that you've at last begun to read Au bonheur des dames &c.
There are so many things in it, as there are in Guy de Maupassant as well.
I've already replied to you that I didn't like Mother's portrait enormously. I've now just painted a reminiscence of the garden at Etten, to put in my bedroom, and here's a croquis of it.
It's quite a big canvas.